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Hjemmeside / Kunnskap / What is canned yellow peach
What is canned yellow peach
Canned yellow peaches are a popular type of canned fruit that is made by preserving ripe yellow peaches in syrup or juice. The canned fruit can be found in most grocery stores and is commonly used in a variety of recipes, including desserts, breakfast dishes, and salads. The process of canning involves peeling and pitting fresh peaches, and then packing them in syrup or juice. The canned peaches are then processed using heat to kill any bacteria and to extend their shelf life. Canned yellow peaches can be found in several different varieties, including those packed in light or heavy syrup, or in their own juice. Canned yellow peaches are a convenient and affordable option for those who want to enjoy the taste of fresh peaches year-round. They also have a long shelf life, making them a great addition to your pantry for emergency situations or for when fresh produce is not available. While fresh peaches are always a great option, canned yellow peaches can be a great alternative when fresh peaches are out of season or not available in your area.


Kontoradresse (eksport): Guangzhou-kontor: nr. 610-611, Shu NJ ing handelssenter, nr. 855, industrivei sør, H Aizhu-distriktet, Guangzhou, Kina (fastlandet) Shanghai-kontor: nr.806-807, kalt inn AI, nr. 333, bane 1, jin-lignende vei, PU forstår nytt område, Shanghai, Kina (fastlandet)

Fabrikkadresse: Xinjiang: industriell økonomisk og teknologisk utviklingssone sa han Qingshui Xinjiang Kina (fastlandet) Guangzhou: nr. 91 Z Ijing road, dongsha økonomisk og høyteknologisk sone, fang landsby, Guangzhou, Kina (fastlandet) Hubei: Xichu Industrial Park, Zigui, Hubei, Kina (fastlandet)

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